Free Dodge VIN Decoder & Lookup

Decode your Vehicle Identification Number for free

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  • Official data from NHTSA
  • Most recent recalls
  • Most recent complaints
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- - -
Drive Type
Manufactured in
Manufactured By -
Plant Company Name -
Vehicle Type -
Series -
Body Class -
Doors -
Front Airbag Location -
Seat Belts Type -
Engine Displacement (CI) -
Engine Displacement (CC) -
Fuel Type -
Engine Number of Cylinders -
Additional Vehicle Info
Most Recent Recalls
Most Recent Complaints
*NOT specific to this particular vehicle. Submitted by other owners of this model.
Source: official gov. database of complaints

What is a VIN Number?

A unique code known as the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is assigned to every motor vehicle when it is manufactured. This 17-character string, excluding Q, I, and O to avoid confusion with 0 and 1, provides information about the vehicle's manufacturer, model, year, and production location without any spaces. is used by thousands of users daily, it's the easiest way to use a VIN decoder, it's free to use, and it pulls straight from government data. For Dodge vehicles, this includes models like the RAM, Charger, Challenger, Dakota, Caravan, and Durango. Each segment of the VIN conveys specific information about the vehicle, including the make, model, year, and serial number. This code, found on the vehicle's chassis or documents, is vital for registration, insurance, and tracking the vehicle's history.

How many characters:
17 (digits and capital letters)
Where to find:
Dashboard on the driver's side
First digit stands for:
Country of manufacturer

How to Find It

Finding your Dodge's VIN is straightforward. Here's where to look:

  • Passenger Cars: Check the front of the dashboard on the driver's side. View it from outside the vehicle through the windshield. Also, inspect the driver's side door pillar—open the door to find the VIN where the door latches.
  • Trucks and Vans: Look in similar locations as passenger cars, focusing on the driver's side door pillar and the front of the dashboard.

If you're unable to locate the VIN on your Dodge, it can also be found on:

  • Your vehicle's title documents.
  • Liability insurance documents.

How to Check a Specific Number

Enter your Dodge's 17-character Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) in the field above to look up and receive an instant report on its manufacturer, brand, make and model, body style, engine size, assembly plant, and model year. The information is provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from the data submitted by the manufacturers to NHTSA. The VIN Decoder lookup is intended for use with Dodge vehicles manufactured since 1981. Whether you own a RAM truck, Charger, Challenger, Dakota, Caravan, or Durango, this tool is the best way to get a detailed build sheet or chart specific to your vehicle. If your Dodge was made before 1981, the VIN may be a shorter sequence of characters.

How to Read the Different Components

Curious about what each character in your Dodge's VIN stands for? Here's a breakdown:

How to decode a Vehicle Identification (VIN) number

Model Year Character Codes

The table below shows the model year character codes used in Dodge VINs. These codes help you determine the exact year of manufacture for your vehicle.

  • Example: A Dodge Charger with a VIN of 2B3LA53H57H123456 has a model year character of "7," indicating it was manufactured in 2007.
  • Example: A Dodge Ram with a VIN of 1D7HA16N73J123456 has a model year character of "3," indicating it was manufactured in 2003.
Brand Code Year Code Year Code Year Code Year
Dodge A 1980 L 1990 Y 2000 A 2010
Dodge B 1981 M 1991 1 2001 B 2011
Dodge C 1982 N 1992 2 2002 C 2012
Dodge D 1983 P 1993 3 2003 D 2013
Dodge E 1984 R 1994 4 2004 E 2014
Dodge F 1985 S 1995 5 2005 F 2015
Dodge G 1986 T 1996 6 2006 G 2016
Dodge H 1987 V 1997 7 2007 H 2017
Dodge J 1988 W 1998 8 2008 J 2018
Dodge K 1989 X 1999 9 2009 K 2019

World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)

The following table lists the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) codes used for Dodge vehicles. These codes provide insights into the country of origin, helping you understand where your Dodge was manufactured.

Brand-Specific WMIs:

  • 1B = United States
  • 2B = Canada
  • 3B = Mexico

Historical Context:

Dodge, a well-known American automobile brand, has a rich manufacturing history in North America. The brand’s vehicles are produced in various plants across the United States, Canada, and Mexico to cater to a wide range of markets.

Production Volume:

Dodge's production is primarily concentrated in North America, with major manufacturing facilities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This strategic distribution allows Dodge to meet high demand efficiently.


  • The Dodge Charger, a popular muscle car, is manufactured at the Brampton Assembly Plant in Ontario, Canada.
  • The Dodge Ram 1500, a best-selling truck, is produced in Warren, Michigan, and Saltillo, Mexico.
WMI Region Notes
A-H Africa AA-AH = South Africa
J-R Asia
  • J = Japan
  • KL-KR = South Korea
  • L = China
  • MA-ME = India
  • MF-MK = Indonesia
  • ML-MR = Thailand
  • MS = Myanmar
  • PA-PE = Philippines
  • PL-PR = Malaysia
  • RF-RG = Taiwan
S-Z Europe
  • SA-SM = United Kingdom
  • SN-ST, W = Germany
  • SU-SZ = Poland
  • TA-TH = Switzerland
  • TJ-TP = Czech Republic
  • TR-TV = Hungary
  • TW = Portugal
  • VA-VE = Austria
  • VF-VR = France
  • VS-VW = Spain
  • VX-V2 = Yugoslavia
  • XL-XM = The Netherlands
  • XS-XW = USSR
  • X3-X0 = Russia
  • YA-YE = Belgium
  • YF-YK = Finland
  • YS-YW = Sweden
  • ZA-ZR = Italy
1-5 North America
  • 1, 4, 5 = United States
  • 2 = Canada
  • 3 = Mexico
6-7 Oceania
  • 6A-6W = Australia
  • 7A-7E = New Zealand
8-0 South America
  • 8A-8E = Argentina
  • 8F-8J = Chile
  • 8X-82 = Venezuela
  • 9A-9E, 93-99 = Brazil
  • 9F-9J = Colombia

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